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User:Haruhide Mori

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Haruhide Mori obtained his B.Sc. in Agriculture from Hokkaido University in 1989, and completed his PhD under the supervision of Seiya Chiba in Graduate School of Agriculture (Dept. of Agricultural Chemistry), Hokkaido University in 1998. He was in Carlsberg laboratory, Denmark (1998-2000), working with Birte Svensson on structure/function relationships of barley alpha-amylase. He moved back to Sapporo to work with Atsuo Kimura and Masayuki Okuyama in Molecular Enzymology Laboratory on structure/function relationships and enzymatic synthesis of carbohydrates, particularly alpha-glucan active enzymes from families GH13, GH66, and GH97. He is currently a Professor of Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, working on GH130 mannoside phosphorylases.